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About Us

Serving residential and commercial clients, Infiniti HVAC is a trusted name in heating and cooling company Kitchener, Ontario for high quality AC, furnace, thermostat and any kind of HVAC services.

After working in the industry for these many years, we have built a good reputation for delivering high quality repairs, installations, and maintenance. We aim at keeping your premises at a suitable room temperature and comfort which is our firstmost priority.

Each repair we do, we try to reach the excellent level of customer satisfaction with help of our trained and licensed technicians. Just count on us whether your complete HVAC unit has broken down or any of its component has stopped working.

Our Mission

We strive to go above and beyond our customers’ expectations, providing them the highest quality of service. We always endeavor to create stronger relationships with their clients for better trust.

Our Difference

We offer 24×7, 365-day same day and emergency HVAC solutions for residential and business customers. Our service features include:

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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