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Don’t Let Your AC Freeze Up: Proactive Steps for Maintenance and Prevention – Infiniti HVAC

Don't Let Your AC Freeze Up: Proactive Steps for Maintenance and Prevention - Infiniti HVACWhen the summer heat intensifies, your air conditioning unit transforms into your trusty ally, offering a refreshing oasis. But what about when that faithful AC fails to chill, leaving you dripping in misery? Scheduling preventive maintenance will ensure that your cooling system runs optimally and efficiently through the hottest months of the year. In this guide, we’ll discuss prevention efforts you can take to stop your air conditioner from freezing up, so you can keep feeling comfortable and at ease.

Understanding the Causes

Now before we get into preventative measures, we need to understand the scientific reason air conditioners freeze up in the first place. Obstructed airflow is a typical reason, which dirty vents, filthy air filters or obstructed ductwork can cause. Freezing may also be caused by low refrigerant levels or a broken thermostat. Also, turning your AC to a very low temperature will cause moisture to build up on the evaporator coils.

Proactive Maintenance Tips

Dirt Accumulation in Air Filters: Clogged air filters impede airflow, forcing your air conditioning system to strain and increase the likelihood of freezing. Inspect and replace your air filters at minimum every 1-3 months depending on usage.

Clear Blockages: Make sure no furniture, drapes or other objects are blocking vents and registers. Proper ventilation is vital for your air conditioning system to work as effectively as it can.

Cleaning the Outdoor Unit: Leaves, debris, and grass clippings can build up around the condenser in the outdoor unit, blocking airflow and causing the AC to overheat. Regularly keep the area around the device clean and free of dust.

Consider calling in a professional: An annual HVAC visit can catch potential problems before they become larger problems with a higher price tag. During these checks, technicians will look over your system, clean parts, and top up refrigerant if needed.

Thermostat Equipment Set-Up: Do not set your thermostat at very low temperatures, especially in wet conditions. The optimal indoor temperature, generally falls between 72-78°F, which reduces the chances of moisture accumulating on the evaporator coil.

Insulate Ductwork: Ductwork insulation helps keep airflow consistent and limits heat transfer, allowing your AC unit to act efficiently. Check for leaks or damage in ductwork and make repairs as necessary.

Monitor the Refrigerant Levels: Low refrigerant levels can cause your air conditioner to freeze, which means that there is a leak in your system. If you notice a loss of cooling ability or ice formation on the evaporator coils, you can contact a technician to inspect and recharge the refrigerant.

This summer, don’t let an air conditioner that’s frozen up cool your heels. Using these preventive maintenance tips from Infiniti HVAC can make your AC operate smoothly and efficiently, giving you the air you need at any time. Keep in mind, prevention is essential to prevent expensive fixes and sustain indoor comfort and convenience all season long. Maintain a regular maintenance schedule, keep filters clean and watch for problems to help you keep your cool without interruption.

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