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Four Things to Check When Your Furnace Stops Working

Four Things to Check When Your Furnace Stops Working

It is really frustrating when your furnace does not work, especially during the winter months. There are a few easy steps you should take before you call out a professional. Here are four things to check if your furnace suddenly conks out:

Check the Thermostat

At times the challenge is as simple as thermostat settings. Confirm that the thermostat is set to “heat,” not “cool.” In addition, ensure the temperature is higher than the current room temperature. If it’s a programmable, find the schedule settings and change the schedule. And to finish, verify if the batteries need to be replaced. One of these simple solutions is the battery of the heating-controlled thermostat that, in case of being worn out, can hinder its operation.

Check the Furnace Power

As your furnace cannot work without electricity, you would want to double-check as to whether the power source is intact. Step 1: Make sure the furnace Ensure it is plugged in, and then verify the circuit breaker to determine whether it has tripped. If the breaker has tripped, reset it then see if the furnace operates. If the breaker continues to trip, there may be a bigger electrical problem, and you might need professional help.

Check the Air Filter

This can also contribute to the breaking of a furnace if the air filter is unclean. If the filter becomes so nasty with dust and debris that it overly restricts airflow, the furnace can shut down. Inspect your air filter, and if it appears dirty, swap it out for a new, clean one. As with your cooling system, regularly replacing the filter can help your furnace run smoothly.

Check the pilot light or ignition system

If you have a pilot light, make sure it’s lit. If the pilot light is out, refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines to reignite it. Many modern furnaces come equipped with an electric ignition system rather than a pilot light. And if that’s the case, the furnace won’t fire, which means there’s a problem with the ignition that you’ll need a professional to address.

These simple steps may resolve your furnace issue without professional intervention. But, if you’ve tried these steps and the furnace won’t work, it’s time to call in a pro to sort it out. For assistance, you can reply to the experts at Infiniti Air Conditioning and Heating

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