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Furnace Repair and Installation Service in Guelph

Are you looking for a professional HVAC service in Guelph? Is your furnace not working as expected? If yes, then look no further than Infiniti HVAC. At Infiniti HVAC, we are a team of professionals with years of experience in delivering furnace repair and installation services in Guelph. We have built a strong reputation for offering reliable, quick, and affordable furnace solutions to our clients across Guelph. We make sure that your furnace performs smoothly for years to come.

When you choose us, you choose a partner who is committed to delivering high-quality services within your budget. With our range of protection plans, you can keep your furnace in tip-top shape without breaking the bank. We also offer rental, purchase, and financing options so that you can choose a plan that best works for you.

Frequent Furnace Problems We Fix

Best Furnace Repair & Installation Technicians in Guelph

At Infiniti HVAC, we understand that having a properly functioning heating unit is of utmost importance. That’s why we offer expert furnace repair and installation servicesin Guelph. Whether you have a gas furnace, electric furnace, heat pump, or propane-run furnace, we have the skills and equipment to repair and install any make or model of furnace.

Our furnace repair services in Guelph include:

  • Diagnostic assessment: We will thoroughly inspect the furnace to identify and solve the root cause of the problem.
  • Component repairs or replacements: We can repair or replace faulty components such as the ignitor, blower motor, gas valve, thermostat, limit switch, or control board.
  • Cleaning and maintenance: It is important to clean the furnace and its components to remove dirt, dust, and debris that may hamper its performance.
  • Gas line inspection and safety checks: Always inspect the gas line for leaks or malfunctions to ensure it performs smoothly. Gas line repairs or replacements may be conducted if necessary.
  • Electrical system inspection: We will carefully evaluate the electrical connections, wiring, and controls to ensure proper functioning and address any electrical issues.
  • Pilot light or ignition system repairs: We will quickly and efficiently troubleshoot and repair issues related to the pilot light, ignitor, or ignition system.
  • Thermostat calibration or replacement: Our technicians know how to calibrate or replace the thermostat to keep the home temperature warm and cozy.
  • Safety checks and testing: We will thoroughly conduct the safety checks to prevent any unforeseen event

Expert Furnace Installation in Guelph

At Infiniti HVAC, we have a team of expert technicians who can install any make or model of furnace quickly and efficiently. Having proper installation of a furnace is essential to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency in your home.

Our team specializes in expert furnace installation in Guelph that istailored to your specific needs. We understand how important it is to keep your home warm and comfortable during those chilly winters. Whether you’re upgrading to a new furnace or installing a brand-new one for the first time, we provide prompt, reliable, and top-notch installation services at affordable prices.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference with Infiniti HVAC.

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