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Furnace Repair and Installation Service in Kitchener

Are you searching for expert HVAC services in Kitchener? Is your furnace not performing well or in need of a replacement? Look no further than Infiniti HVAC for all your furnace needs. Our team of certified professionals specializes in furnace repair and installation services in Kitchener. We ensure you stay warm and comfortable throughout the winter season.

For many years, we have built a reputation on reliabilityand affordability. Infiniti HVAC ensures that your furnace runs efficiently for years to come. We take pride in offering tailored solutions, whether you need quick Furnace repairs or a full system installation in Kitchener.

Why Choose Infiniti HVAC for Furnace Services?

  • Expert Technicians: Be it gas or electric furnaces, our skilled team can handle all makes and models efficiently.
  • Comprehensive Services: We have the tools and resources to handle everything from minor repairs to complete system installations.
  • Affordable Solutions: We work within your budget without compromising on quality.
  • Flexible Options: Choose from our rental, purchase, and financing plans to suit your financial situation.
  • Maintenance Plans: Our protection plans ensure your furnace performs reliably without causing major breakdowns.

Common Furnace Issues We Handle:

Best Furnace Repair & Installation in Kitchener

At Infiniti HVAC, we understand the importance of a properly functioning furnace, especially during harsh winter seasons. Our furnace repair and installation services in Kitchener cover a wide range of systems. From gas and electric furnaces to heat pumps and propane units, we can handle them all.

Our Furnace Repair Services in Kitchener Include:

  • Diagnostic Assessment: We perform a thorough inspection to diagnose any issue accurately and timely.
  • Component Repairs or Replacements: Whether it’s an ignitor, motor, gas valve, or thermostat, we repair or replace defective parts efficiently.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Our furnace cleaning services help eliminate dirt and debris, preventing blockages that reduce efficiency.
  • Gas Line Inspection: We thoroughly inspect the gas line to ensure there are no leaks or malfunctions.
  • Electrical System Check: Our technicians carefully assess the wiring and controls to address any electrical issues that could compromise your furnace’s performance.
  • Pilot Light/Ignition Repair: To ensure smooth operation, our technicians fix any issues with the pilot light or ignition system.
  • Thermostat Calibration: We calibrate or replace your thermostat to maintain consistent indoor temperatures.
  • Safety Checks: We conduct a full set of safety checks to ensure your furnace operates safely around the clock.

Furnace Installation in Kitchener

Proper furnace installation is essential to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. Our experienced team at Infiniti HVAC offers customized furnace installation services in Kitchener. Whether you’re upgrading an old system or installing a brandnew unit, we take care of the entire process. Right from helping you select the right unit to final installation and testing, we’ll be there to help you.

What to Expect from Our Installation Services:

  • Professional Installation: We help you choose the best furnace for your home based on your heating needs and budget.
  • Energy-Efficient Options: We offer energy-efficient models that help you save on heating costs.
  • Fast and Reliable Service: Our team ensures that your new furnace is installed correctly and quickly.
  • Post-Installation Support: We provide follow-up checks and support to ensure your new furnace is working perfectly.

Contact us today for a consultation and experience the Infiniti HVAC difference in Kitchener.

Call Us For Emergency Furnace Repairs!

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