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Gas vs. Electric Furnaces: Which is Right for Your Home?

Gas vs. Electric Furnaces: Which is Right for Your Home?

Finding the furnace that suits your space size is really important to make sure you can keep warm in winter. When you’re deciding between a gas and an electric furnace, understanding the differences between these two furnaces can help you come out with the best options for heating the environment at home.

Heating Speed

Gas furnaces need regular care, including replacing the air filter checks and cleaning for SHA, and regular checks for gas or carbon monoxide poison. On the other hand, the electric furnace has only a few components and is much easier to maintain.


Both gas and electric furnaces have improved in efficiency over the years. Electric furnaces often boast nearly 100% Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE), meaning almost all the energy they use is converted to heat. Modern gas furnaces, however, are not far behind, with top models reaching up to 98.5% AFUE. Your choice might depend on the costs of electricity versus natural gas in your area.


Gas furnaces require regular upkeep, including filter changes, cleaning, and inspections to check for gas or carbon monoxide leaks. On the other hand, electric furnaces are simpler to maintain, with fewer components to worry about, making them a low-maintenance option.

Environmental Impact

During operation, electric furnaces are emissions-free. They can also be powered with renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Gas furnaces, while cleaner than many fossil fuel alternatives will still emit greenhouse gases. But advances in technology have significantly reduced their environmental impact.

Which Furnace Should You Choose?

Ultimately, this decision depends on your heating needs, budget and environmental preferences. Gas furnaces are ideal for those who need quick heating and have access to a plentiful supply of natural gas at a reasonable price. Electric furnaces are a good bet for homeowners looking for a low-maintenance, environmentally friendly option, especially in areas with stable electricity prices.

Not sure yet? Infiniti HVAC Kitchener will help you determine the best choice. Our team of experts will assess your home’s heating requirements and recommend a suitable furnace for you. Whether go gas or electric, we will provide hassle-free installation and support throughout the winter.

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