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HVAC Installation Mistakes You MUST Avoid

HVAC Installation Mistakes You MUST AvoidYour HVAC system is a vital part of your home, ensuring comfort regardless of the season and maintaining clean indoor air quality. However, installing and maintaining a residential HVAC system can be costly, making it crucial to avoid common installation mistakes that could lead to inefficiencies or early failures.

Selecting an Inexperienced HVAC Installer

Choosing a reputable HVAC installation service like Infinity Air Conditioning & Heating is essential. Always choose experienced installers who possess the necessary skills to handle your HVAC system professionally. Research and background checks are crucial to ensure you hire a capable team that delivers quality workmanship. Avoid the temptation to opt for the cheapest quote, as quality and reliability often come with a reasonable investment.

Choosing the Wrong HVAC Size

Selecting the correct size for your HVAC unit is essential to its efficiency and performance. Contrary to popular belief, bigger doesn’t mean better when it comes to HVAC systems. Oversized units can lead to frequent cycling and inefficient operation, while undersized units struggle to meet your home’s heating and cooling needs. Consult with your HVAC installer to determine the right size unit based on your home’s dimensions and heating/cooling needs.

Purchasing the Cheapest HVAC System

While budget is a consideration, opting for the cheapest HVAC system can lead to long-term costs and performance issues. Cheap units often use low-quality components that compromise reliability and longevity. Investing in a quality HVAC system with durable components ensures better efficiency, fewer breakdowns, and longer service life, potentially saving you money down the lane.

Running the HVAC Continuously

Allowing your HVAC system to run continuously without breaks can strain its components and increase energy consumption. Use programmable thermostats to schedule heating and cooling cycles according to your household’s occupancy and comfort needs. This not only saves energy but also extends the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Not Leaving Space for Breathing Room

Ensure your outdoor HVAC unit has ample space around it for proper airflow. Avoid covering the unit with vegetation or other obstructions that can hinder its operation and reduce efficiency. Maintain clear pathways around heat registers, return grills, and exhaust vents to promote unrestricted airflow and optimal performance.

Wrong Thermostat Placement

Proper thermostat placement is crucial for accurate temperature readings and efficient HVAC operation. Install thermostats on interior walls in high-traffic areas away from direct sunlight, drafts, or heat sources. Avoid placing thermostats near TVs, lamps, or external walls, as these locations can affect temperature readings and thermostat performance.

By avoiding these common HVAC installation mistakes and investing in professional installation and maintenance, you can ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively throughout its lifespan. Prioritize quality, proper sizing, and professional installation to maximize comfort and minimize energy costs in your home.

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