This is especially relevant if you work under the broad umbrella of indoor air quality (IAQ), an important consideration when designing a healthy indoor environment. Bad IAQ can cause general health problems, including allergies and respiratory issues. But there are a few proven strategies take that can improve the air quality in your home. Check out these simple steps to enhance IAQ and protect your house.
Frequently Clean and Change Air Filters
Air filters are essential for capturing dust, pollen, and other particles. and other airborne particles. Filters could eventually become clogged and lose their efficiency. To help ensure optimal air quality, regularly Regularly replace or clean your air filters following the manufacturer’s recommendations guidelines. HEPA filters (high-efficiency particulate air), which can trap smaller particles and help the overall air quality.
Maintain Proper Ventilation
Our first recommendation for fresh-air ventilation systems is to make sure that fresh air is circulated throughout the house and that indoor pollutants are effectively exhausted from the house. When weather allows, open windows and let in some fresh air to dilute indoor pollutant levels. You may also want to install one of these exhaust fans in your kitchen, bathrooms and laundry room to help remove excess moisture and help eliminate any odors.
Control Humidity Levels
All written above with a room humidity below 40% is especially relevant. Increased humidity levels can encourage mold growth and dry the air; low humidity can make the skin dry and irritate the respiratory system. Try to keep indoor humidity levels between 30-50%. Avoid using a dehumidifier unless extra moisture needs to be removed; a humidifier when extra moisture is needed. Continuously monitor and adjust humidity levels to avoid related problems.
Keep Your Home Clean
Cleaning on a regular basis helps in minimizing the dust, allergens, contaminants, and other pollutants. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly. Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth to prevent moving dirt into the air. And wash bedding, curtains and other fabrics, to rid them of dust and allergens, regularly.
Use Air Purifiers
Air purifiers can help remove airborne contaminants that might not be filtered out by your HVAC system’s filters. Look into purchasing an air purifier with a HEPA filter to settle concerns like allergies or asthma. Use air purifiers in the most-visited rooms or actively circulating spaces.
Inspect and Maintain Your HVAC System Regularly
Whatever the season, your HVAC system is one of the most important components of maintaining the quality of your indoor air. Apart from that, getting regular professional maintenance will make sure that your system is effectively workable. A trained technician can clean system components, check ductwork, and resolve problems that could impact IAQ. “Routine maintenance ensures efficient operation which enhances overall air quality.
Ensure Proper Insulation
Insulation also helps keep our homes draft-free and maintains stable temperatures in our living spaces, which can contribute to healthier indoor air quality. Look for drafts or leaks around windows, doors, and other places air can escape. Better insulation means your HVAC system needs to expel less air, supporting good IAQ even more.
Add Indoor Plants
Specific houseplants can also produce air quality by taking in toxins and exhaling oxygen. Some of the top choices include spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies aka things that will purify the air. Utilise indoor plants as part of your home décor to introduce greenery and improve the IAQ.
Final Thoughts
Better indoor air quality is an essential component of any more healthy and more pleasant living. By following these tips, you can enhance indoor air quality in your home and decrease the likelihood of health issues linked to poor indoor air quality. Trust Infiniti HVAC for expert HVAC services and advice on keeping your air quality at its best.