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Top Misconceptions About Air Conditioning Energy Use: What You Need to Know

Top Misconceptions About Air Conditioning Energy Use: What You Need to KnowOur energy bills can skyrocket when the temperature rises, mainly due to increased air conditioning (AC) usage. But there are so many myths floating around things that could be done better regarding how AC systems operate and how to operate them efficiently. At Infiniti HVAC, we aim to bust these myths and give you accurate information to keep your home comfortable and your energy bills low.

Myth 1: Turning Down the Thermostat Cools Your Home More Quickly

One of the most prevalent myths is that you can cool your house faster by cranking the temperature down on your thermostat. In reality, air conditioners operate at a constant rate. The thermostat will make your system run longer (not faster) until it gets to the desired temperature if you set it lower. It may lead to higher costs and avoidable energy consumption.

What to Do Instead: Set your thermostat to the desired temperature and then allow your system time to achieve it. If you have the means there are things you can do to achieve faster cooling such as fans, to do a better job of moving air around.

MYTH: You can leave the AC on all day and it works better

And many people think keeping the AC running all day long is more energy-efficient than shutting it off and turning it on again. It is a costly misconception. It takes less energy for air conditioners to keep a steady temperature in a well insulated home than to cool continuously.

What to Do Instead:
When you’re away from home, use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature lower and cool your house before returning. In this way, your AC is not working hard when there’s no need.

CORRECTING THE MISINFORMATION Myths in Central Air-Conditioning

When it comes to AC units, bigger is sometimes better. Big air conditioners will chill your house in no time, but they don’t remove moisture fast enough, making it seem musty and muggy. Frequent cycling (turning on and off) will also degrade the system faster.

What Instead: Select an air conditioner that’s appropriately sized for your home. An HVAC specialist can assist you in determining the right size as it relates to your home’s square footage, insulation, and other factors.

Debunking the Myth: AC Systems Only Need Maintenance When There’s a Problem

Regular servicing is essential for the proper functioning and longevity of your AC unit. Putting by until something breaks can lead to costlier problems and repairs.

What to Do Instead: Get regular maintenance checks from an HVAC professional. Such checks are cleaning filters, checking for leaks conditions, and making sure each part is functioning properly. Maintenance can prolong the life of your systems and prevent any unplanned downtimes.

Myth: Ceiling Fans Actually Cool the Air

C ceiling fans do not cool the air, instead they create a wind-chill effect that cool people. Closing buildings on the fans doesn’t bring down the temperature and is a waste of energy.

What to Do Instead: Keep ceiling fans running only in occupied rooms (this helps your body feel cooler). It can adjust your thermostat a couple of degrees warmer without compromising comfort.

Myth: Closing Vents in Rooms Not in Use Saves Energy

It makes sense to close vents in unoccupied rooms to save energy, but doing so can create pressure imbalances in your system, forcing it to work harder and less efficiently. That can, in turn, lead to more wear and tear.

What to Do Instead: Leave vents open and allow for proper airflow throughout your house. If you want to zone your cooling, consider an installed zoning system.

Myth: Air Conditioners Just Cool Air

Cooling is the main purpose, but air conditioners also dehumidify the air. High humidity causes the feeling of warmth indoors, leading to overzealous air conditioner usage.

Alternative: If you live in breaking-out-in-sweats-in-the-library-humid weather, try pairing your AC with a dehumidifier. It can make you more comfortable at higher temperatures.

Educating yourself about how your air conditioning system operates, what sparks common myths and misconceptions about it, and so on can lead to more efficient operation overall, lower energy bills and a more comfortable home setting. Trust Infiniti HVAC to keep your AC working and running at peak performance and efficiency with the guides and professional services on AC installation, maintenance, and more.

If you have any questions or require professional HVAC services, contact Infiniti HVAC today. Fixed and air conditioner repair services are something our professional team can do for you in order to utilize the heating system in your house for as long as possible. Check out Infiniti HVAC — Save energy and stay cooler this summer!

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